Loss Run Requests
Due to privacy laws, all requests must be submitted on the insured's letterhead and signed by the insured. Please include the policy number and instructions on where to send the loss runs. If the request does not
contain the correct information, it will be returned to the requestor.
We require the following information, so that we may provide timely response to Loss Run requests.
- Type in the first two (2) or three (3) characters of the policy number or the full thirteen (13) characters of the policy number into the search box below.
Example: 0000000000000 or AA00000000000
- The contact information with the contact name and email address will be displayed. Please email the insured's letter (on its letterhead containing policy number and instructions as to where to send the loss runs) to the contact and they will forward the loss runs accordingly.
- If the policy number is not known or the search brings up no contact information, email the insured's letter to
loss.runs@everestglobal.com. The loss run request will be forwarded to the correct contact for processing.
Enter the first two (2) or three (3) characters of the policy number or the full thirteen (13) characters of a policy and
click the Search button: